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C4C | S4P – Healthy Streets, Healthy Cities

The global pandemic redefined our relationship with cities and streets.

As COVID-19 brought many cities to a halt, people all over India took to walking and cycling, not just as a form of recreation and exercise but also to access essential goods and services. Turning this crisis into an opportunity, the Government of India launched two visionary Challenges in 2020—India Cycles4Change and Streets4People. Aligned with the National Urban Transport Policy (2006), the Challenges aimed to inspire over 100 cities to transform their streets into safe, happy, and healthy spaces for walking and cycling.

The Smart Cities Mission, Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs launched the two Challenges, with the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy India (ITDP India) as a knowledge partner, supported by the Fit India Movement and the Swachh Bharat Mission.

What did cities achieve through the Challenges?

Here's a glimpse of how the cities applied the Challenge Mantra of TEST-LEARN-SCALE in their Challenge journey